BOA, Ecnebi defteri, Register 13, Folio 34, Column, 067, Item 311, Unfoliated

Submitted by dragomansadmin on
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Date Created
1609-08-31 (uncertain)
Resource Type
Physical Form
Page Total
1 item
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Mentioned Place
English Summary - Plain
9 Cemaziyyelahir 1018 Wednesday. To the beglerbegi of Bosna Üsküb eşkiyası attacks to ….. kala. Some people came to the Sublime Porte and claimed that the men of the kala that belongs to Venetians and also some janissaries work with those Üsküb eşkiyası . Two name-i humayuns regarding this issue were send to Venetian beyzades and also the Venetian bailo at the Sublime Porte was questioned on this issue. They should punish those eşkiyas according to the peace (sulh ve salah)
Gregorian Date Qualifier
Hijiri Date
9 Cemaziyyelahir 1018 Wednesday
Hijiri Date Qualifier
Schema Type
Local Identifier
Transcribed Place
Gregorian Date (RAD)
Reformatting Quality
Digital Origin
reformatted digital
Internet Media Type
Cataloguing Language
English Summary
9 Cemaziyyelahir 1018 Wednesday. To the beglerbegi of Bosna Üsküb eşkiyası attacks to ….. kala. Some people came to the Sublime Porte and claimed that the men of the kala that belongs to Venetians and also some janissaries work with those Üsküb eşkiyası . Two name-i humayuns regarding this issue were send to Venetian beyzades and also the Venetian bailo at the Sublime Porte was questioned on this issue. They should punish those eşkiyas according to the peace (sulh ve salah)

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